Thursday, October 28, 2010

back side & resting pose

In October I registered to a live model class at Centre Communautarie de Loisir de la Côte-des-Neiges. The price was great and it meant I would have teacher's feedback and other drawing lovers around! Here's two of the best drawings that have come out so far. Both drawings are done on Kraft paper and with Conté sketching crayons, although some of the darker blacks were reinforced with compressed charcoal. Both poses lasted 30 minutes.


  1. La técnica me gusta mucho y le siento mucha energía en el trazo. El cuerpo tiene muy buen movimiento y es contundente en la figura, características que me son muy agradables...

  2. Hola Federico! Gracias por los comentarios! Con el tiempo espero que las figuras sean mas voluminosas, mas masa que trazo... Voy a ponerle a la practica!
