Thursday, October 28, 2010

lying down

This drawing was made when I first picked up drawing in september. I went to this amazing drawing class at UQAM (Atelier Libre de Modèle Vivant, sundays 11-14h) and had this pose for 30 minutes. It was the second pose with a very dramatic angle. The first pose caught me off guard and  my drawing came out really "off". So this time I really took my time to "see" and carefully observe what really was presented to my eyes - not to my mind. I'm pretty proud of the result. I used charcoal, sanguine and white conté sketching crayon.


  1. Pri, I'm very, very proud of you, these are amazing!

  2. Hi Pri, This is amazing, you've a awesome talent. Congratulations!! :) Laura Madrigal

  3. Gracias Chicas!! Se agradece el apoyo moral :D :D
